I've been thinking alot about the idea of home lately. In the literal sense home is four walls and a living room, kitchen, etc. you may still live your parents (hating your life) or with roommate(s). But home is also a concept.
It is the society where your comfortable, you wake up wth a routine. You have friends to call and you can wander down an alleyway knowing you'll emerge at the other side of the street. Of course my home has been Huntington Beach for the past two decades. I still live in the house that I was brought home to as a newborn baby. I wake up every morning facing my old high school. This being a comfortable reminder that I know where I am, what I'm doing that day. I can walk down 17th to Fiesta Grill or to the Albertson's Center on Yorktown. Once in awhile I'll run into an old classmate on Main Street or at the gas station with the same quesion to strike up conversation, "What have you been up to?" "Well I'm still at my parents, I'm a waitress and I'm attending classes at OCC half-assed but somehow still passing. I get drunk often to bring some fun into my life." God knows I would never answer with that dose of reality, but it brings me to my main point: Getting out.
Shedding this blanket I call home to an unfamiliar city where I will often get lost on my way back to my apartment. A city where I'm considered a foreigner and don't even speak the native language. I'm surprised at myself. That I'm not scared, but instead comfortable with my decision and more so ready than I've ever been. I know that by leaving Huntington I will appreciate my home and not take everyday gifts for granted. You know the small things that your parents always remind you, "there is a starving kid in Africa who would want that" instead its now "there is a starving student in Spain who would love to be near her home by the beach."So as I sit in my house, facing my high school with three weeks left of this view I ask you: What is your home? Is it a place? A boyfriend/ girlfriend? or Maybe your favorite restaurant?
Two songs I like which embed the home theme:
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros "Home"
(p.s. Iam obsessed with this song it is amazinnggg):
And the White Stripes "Theres No Home for you Here":
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