I took up an invitation to go to
Catalina for three days for my friend Marissa's 21st birthday.
Besides this trip being about booze it developed into an excursion of this wonderful island and three days of relaxation. The last time I went to Catalina was probably about three years ago on my friend's boat, but this time we were camping on a beautiful hill in two harbors. Our tent, although overcrowded with 8 bodies, was somewhat comfortable on the dirt and I couldn't help but smile when falling asleep to the seal's cries mixed in with the ocean water.My group of silly friends and I developed this inside joke about the buffalo. It all began on our first night when we god about two feet away from a large buffalo who shook his head at us in dissaproval, causing us to run away in fear. There was also a famous drink appropriately called "Buffalo's Milk" at the bar. This shaped our three day silly jokes such as, "Listen here little buffalo my father buffalo came to this isaldn in 1920 and staked this ground which you now walk on. And the buffalo before him, and the buffalo before him." We overused the world so much that it seemed to rubbing off on the people around us because our ears would perk up with surrounding coversations about the "b" word. Crazy as it sounds our obession with buffalo caused our neighbor at the campsite to approach my friend Jason. She told him she was traveling around the world writing a book. Which main topic discussed spirit animals, among other things and I guess the buffalo dropped right into a chapter in her writings. Besdies finding this lady utterly fascinating I was a little envious that she was pursuing my lifelong dream. She asked to take a picture with us to put in her book and told Jason she would e-mail him when the product was finished. Although I was having a wonderful time in Catalina this lady sort of sparked a self realization in me. I had been somewhat sulking since returning home from Europe. Pouting like a small child who was refused more sugar injecting candy. Although I have tried to remain positive I can't help but miss my time overseas and wish I was not in my current state. But this lady was living proof that if I worked hard enough another excursion was not too far around the corner. All I needed was the right ingredients to cook up another wonderful new trip: some ambition, mixed with hard work, financial savings and research. This lady was living my world dream right before my very eyes.
Besides my wierd buffalo encounter I also got to marvel at the beauty which is Catalina Island. The breathetaking sunsets, the vast array of fishes while snorkeling, the greenery which surrounded the island. Often times throughout those three days I would sit for extended periods of time and look around me. I think after traveling I have a new appreciation for my home state. I hope in the future to explore more of what it has to offer instead of just sitting around in good ol' HB.
I'll try and put up pictures soon but right now my camera cord is currently MIA.
Arcade Fire and David Bowie- "Wake Up"
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