Elvis' lyrics took literal context as my soul was definitley charred to a crip this weekend. I traveled to the birthplace of Fear and Loathing to reconcile with my roommates whom I lived with in Spain.
If this trip was going to be anything like our nights in Europe, it would be similar to a stiff cocktail hard to swallow but leaving you with a warm fuzzy feeling. Although this post's purpose is not to share my debauchry with you, but instead reflect on Sin City. I don't know if it's me but besides feeling dirty when I drive off the strip I always reanalyze my life on the 4 hour drive home. I guess a weekend full of binge drinking and no sleep has that kind of effect on you.
My friends also addressed a need for change upon leaving the city Monday afternoon. This is not because we didn't have a great time (I sure did) but instead realizing that in constant partying there comes this post period need to justify one's success. As if to say "Yeah, I was an idiot last night but I have a career to come home to." I also wonder when I would shed the skin of my partying phase, I mean it has toned down alot but I still have this need to go out at least once a week.When I worked two jobs I always justified myself going out because I had worked so hard. It was almost as though my overworked ethic pushed me into a bar.
Why do we feel the need to provide reason in our drunken pursuits? Is it possible as a young 20 year old to balance booze and books? I mean I think I have done a pretty good job at it, but I always could have studied more. What are the discourses that are asscioated with a nerd or a party animal?: well one knows how to have fun while the other is on the path to success? Just a thought.
I feel ya, I think most of life is trying to find a balance body mind and spirit. Xoxo