what's tomauro?
“What is the feeling when you're driving away from people, and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It's the too huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.”

Monday, June 13, 2011

Moving out, Moving on

Can I just start out by saying it is crazy all the crap one acquires in in 10 months! My room was an archive of the past school year; papers were hiding all over, random concert tickets, a quarter here and there, maybe a Euro randomly my bed sheet. Memories seem to surface at the most unexpected times. This past week I moved out of my on campus apartment into a new place about 10 mins from UCSD.

A little relief was mixed with nostalgia, as my first year in San Diego came to a close. I knew that some of my roommates I had seen every day would no longer be apart of my life, and I would now have my own bathroom complete with my unshared bedroom. I couldn't help but feeling a little sad looking at my empty apartment and the physical wear and tear that was apparent on the walls of 2404.
This summer I have managed to pack in summer school, a television internship with San Diego's KUSI, and my job. I also hope to shed some clinging pounds, lingering proof of my Europe trip over a year ago. I am ready for a busy summer, because this three month period has always been an extended drunken vacation for me.
Back to the apartment though. This new living quarters have given me a fresh taste of adult reality. Just yesterday I spent my paycheck on a new couch. While my uncle and I drove along the California coast to pick it up, he told me of living on a budget and the lifestyle of an overworked 20-year-old. I feel as though reality is a pushing through on my horizon, I am slowly being given it in doses of bills and budgeting. I am glad that it is in doses and not all at once, and for that I have my father to thank. Still it is crazy to think how times flies, next year will be my last year of college and then I have no idea. For now I'll try and fit in some bar-b-ques poolside during my summer agenda. All is well in San Diego, just reflecting on the change and trying to wrap my head around the tricks time plays.

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